Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus during October 2024 – February 2025

Jupiter (Brihaspati) will transit in retrograde motion while transiting Mrigasira and Rohini nakshatras in Taurus (Vrishabha Rasi) during 09 October 2024 at 11:47 IST and 04 February 2025 at 14:29 IST.
Jupiter Retrograde 2024-25 in Taurus

During these 118 days, Jupiter transits in Mars owned Mrigasira nakshatra till 29 November (07:29 IST) and then in Moon owned Rohini nakshatra.
Jupiter becomes powerful during its retrograde motion and those born with Moon in Mrigasira, Chitra, Dhanistha nakshatras will have a good time until 29 november and later thos born with Moon in Rohini, Hastha, Sravana can see brighter days.
However, there will be some delays, obstacles, challenges and criticism due to Saturn retrograde in Aquarius until 15 November 2024.
Venus, Sun, Mercury will oppose retrograde Jupiter during October-December 2024 and both Scorpio, Taurus moon sign born need to stay away from gossips, loose talk, speculation and focus on strengthening your position at work.
Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio during 26 November – 16 December 2024 and opposing retrograde Jupiter is good time to recover past debts and invest them wisely.
Do NOT spend unless absolutely necessary.
Mars stationary and retrograde in Cancer, along with Jupiter retrograde in Taurus will test patience of Scorpio, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and Leo.
Avoid speculation and large investments.

Jupiter retrograde (Guru Vakra) in earth sign Taurus makes us more practical, realistic and expects to avoid ‘get rich quick‘ schemes.
We are made to re-think our goals and plans and make them appear as practical as possible.
All extravagance and enthusiasm takes back seat for 4 months now.
Taurus lord Venus in Scorpio, opposing retrograde Jupiter during 13 October – 6 November 2024 creates some anxious moments for both signs.
Avoid getting too much into personal details of others and concentrate yourself.
That is also a good time for ‘Manifestations‘.
Due to Saturn influence, some negative thoughts can cross your mind and they can turn into ‘negative manifestations‘. So it is important to keep ourselves surrounded by positive people and clear mind.

If one of your ruling planet is Jupiter (born with moon or ascendant in pisces or sagittarius, or on thursday or with moon in punarvasu, visakha, poorvabhadra nakshatras) or going through Vimsottari mahadasa or antardasa of Jupiter, this is the time to explore new places, form new relations, invest money for long term benefits, go for movie dates.
December 2024 is good time for creative and romantic pursuits.
This is also the best time to improve on physical fitness, beautification and even go for cosmetic surgeries.
If you are born with Retrograde Jupiter in your birth chart, then this is the best time to grab an opportunity which was left by someone else, or enter into a long term relationship, which someone else could not hold on to.
GOLD Price increases slightly but not enough to make good profits.
This Jupiter Retrograde 2024 is conjunct retrograde Uranus, sextile to retrograde Neptune and trine retrograde Pluto, which creates unique events which have long standing impact in lives of those born in moon signs and ascendants of Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio and Capricorn.
Politically, these 4 months are bad for Afghanistan, Pakistan, USA and many European countries.