Karmic Influence of Full Moon in Capricorn-Aquarius, August 2024

Full Moon occurs in Capricorn-Aquarius on 19th August 2024 according to Vedic Astrology. This moon is influenced by conjunction of retrograde Saturn, aspected by Sun, Venus and retrograde Mercury from Leo, and partially aspected by Jupiter from Taurus.
Full Moon in Capricorn-Aquarius, August 2024 Vedic Astrology

Sraavan (श्रावण) is a month in vedic calendar, which is named so because fullmoon occurs when moon close to Sravana Constellation in Capricorn.
Conjunction of Full Moon with Saturn in own sign and opposition with 3 other planets in Leo, Trine and square with Jupiter and square with Mars in Taurus creates tough situations for Aquarius (Kumbha), Leo (Simha), Scorpio (Vrischika) and Taurus (Vrishabha) moon sign born.
Also Uranus in Taurus makes a square (T-cross) with this full moon on 19th august night, when moon enters Dhanishta-3 in Kumbha Rasi.
Venus conjunct Sun and combust Mercury (retrograde) is opposing Saturn (retrograde), and this requires hard work to make everything look peaceful.
Venus being the planet of love, relations, romance, materialistic comforts, vehicles, is asking you to put in extra effort and also remain calm to make sure that nothing goes wrong !

Also, all these 3 planets along with full moon are squared by Mars and Jupiter.
This leads to arguments and fights. Mercury makes you re-do things that you never wanted to do even once !
Keep yourself busy and walk away if you see an argument or a fight heading your way.
This advice is particularly for moon signs of Aquarius, Leo, Taurus and Scorpio.
Few political parties going for elections, later this year will have to go through internal battles.
Indian government struggles to get few bills passed for next 2-3 months.
Upcoming elections in USA will be influenced by this full moon and squaring of multiple planets. Debates get heated up and one candidate does multiple mistakes, leading to self-goal !
Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, New Zealand and few African countries struggle economically.
Unrest in Bangladesh settles down only after 9 more months.

Full Moon in Capricorn-Aquarius, August 2024 – influence on 12 Moon Signs

Aries continue to suffer financially and also physically.
Taurus are kept busy throughout the month, with no clarity about present or future.
Gemini are confused about their future, as nothing seems to go in their way.
Cancerians face family and work pressure with new commitments.
Leo suffer from bad health, extress work load but see a ray of hope ahead.
Virgo are kept busy, rectifying mistakes of past and struggle to meet expectations.
Librans suffer from ill-health and insomnia.
Scorpio and Aquarians are kept waiting to finish those deals, which were meant to be closed long back.
Sagittarians and Pisceans recently went through some setbacks and injuries, but have better days ahead.
Capricorn are made to take financial decisions, but it is advisable to postpone for another 2 months.

Planetary Transit around Full Moon in August 2024

Saturday August 17: Mars square Saturn, Venus sesquasquare Pluto : Extra work today. Do not overdo anything. The Mars-Saturn combination can keep you going until you are exhausted. Take rest breaks and get more sleep.
Do NOT buy anything expensive today. You will pay more than its worth. The day is good for physical workout.

Sunday August 18: Mercury Square Uranus AND Sun conjunct Mercury: Plenty of new ideas occur today. But take time to think about them before diving into action.

Monday August 19: Venus square Jupiter, Venus opposes Saturn, Sun square Uranus, Jupiter square Saturn: his is the day of that crazy Full Moon. Do NOT start any major project today. Wait a couple of days until things settle down.

Thursday August 22: Venus square Mars: Avoid shopping, unless those are daily groceries.

Saturday August 24: Mercury sextile Mars: This is a good day for communication. You can get more output today if you are working alone.

Tuesday August 27: Venus trine Uranus: Today you can have a good time as Venus is making you try something new (Uranus). Or meet someone new.

Wednesday August 28: Venus opposes Neptune: Be careful though with relationships as Neptune rules illusions and you can easily be attracted to someone who is not what they appear to be. Venus opposite Neptune is good though for reading a romantic novel.

Thursday August 29: Venus trine Pluto: Huge difference compared to the day before ! This can intensify any relationship.