Saturn transit in Pisces (Meena Rasi) 2025, happens on 29 March 2025 at 01:07 IST. The biggest player of Karma in Vedic Astrology enters 100% water sign Pisces and will continue this transit until 17:57 IST on 22 February 2028.
During these 35 months, Saturn will transit through Jupiter owned Poorvabhadra, self owned Uttarabhadra and Mercury owned Revathi nakshatras.
Also, Saturn will jump into Aries (Mesha Rasi) between 04:36 IST on 02 June 2027 and fall back into Pisces at 11:12 IST on 21 October 2027.
So, the total time spent in Pisces will be approximately 30 months.
Saturn in Jupiter owned Pisces is complicated due to the differences between those two planets.
When Saturn forms a hard aspect to a personal point in our horoscope, we feel that everything is slowed down. We encounter delays, frustrations, and pressures. But these times also challenge us to face reality, thereby opening ourselves up to increased wisdom and the freedom that comes with living in truth.
This is particularly challenging for those born with moon in signs of Aries, Aquarius, Pisces, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio and Sagittarius.
With Saturn in Pisces, people are not ready to take help even when in need.
As long as Saturn does not cross self owned Uttarabhadra nakshatra, it will not let us expand.
Pisces is Vyaya Sthana (12th house) in Zodiac, and it spends all the karma accumulated during previous transit between January 2023 till March 2025.
Those who have been living without rules and exploiting others or nature, will now pay for their deeds.
If you have been patient and disciplined, Saturn will reward in next 3 years.
Saturn demands simplicity, definition, realism, and truth. Saturn also tests, not for the fun of it but for our own sakes. Saturn will reveal weak areas that need strengthening.
If you have identified your strengths, weaknesses and purpose of life during last 2 years, then now is the time for redemption.
If Saturn is malefic in your horoscope and also in transit, then during next 3 years you will suffer from cramps in legs, cracked heels, injuries to toe or feet or heels, weak eye sight, water accidents and frequent cold.
Rahu conjunct Saturn for most part of 2025 is Pisaacha Yoga, which brings danger to those who are born with it.
Aquarius is connected to technology, and Saturn in it has given 5G mobile communication to most parts of the world during 2022-2025.
Pisces is a dreamer, creative sign and during next 3 years we will witness huge changes in the way we watch movies, read books and access internet.
Few BIG companies or Apps fade out while others will take over.
01:07 IST on 29 March 2025 – 06:39 IST on 27 April 2025 & 05:50 IST on 05 October 2025 – 06:03 IST on 19 January 2026 : Saturn in Poorvabhadra (4th quarter) : Bad time for body builders, security personnel, Swimmers, those residing close to rivers and oceans, vehicle mechanics, wrestlers etc.
This transit is is not good for people born with Moon in : Revati, Uttara Phalguni, Visakha, Punarvasu.
06:40 IST on 27 April 2025 – 05:49 IST on O5 October 2025 & 14:03 IST on 16 May 2026 & 01:25 IST on 11 October 2026 – 05:27 IST on 05 February 2027 : Saturn in Uttarabhadra : Bad time for people living near rivers, oceans, fishermen, heavy vehicle drivers, carpenters and women.
Gold price suddenly grows out of reach for common people.
People dealing in fisheries lose heavily. Also those who travel on sea experience losses.
Fishermen can go missing in sea and rivers. Frequent floods, cyclones, tsunami can destroy livelihood of those who depend on water bodies.
14:04 IST on 16 May 2026 – 01:24 IST on 11 October 2026 & 05:28 IST on 05 February 2027 – 04:35 IST on 02 June 2027 & 11:11 IST on 21 October 2027 – 17:57 IST on 22 February 2028 : Saturn in Revathi : Tough time for Aristocrat families. Saturn pushes for democracy and power to common man. Those without any family background will come into limelight.
Fall will be the toughest season for food production and businesses.
People living in Islands in Arabian sea, Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal, Asia-Pacific Islands, Africa, East and South of Europe, Europe and forest tribals face natural calamities and reduction in population.
Future of Kids born during March 2025 – February 2028
Saturn represents father for those who were born after sunset and before sunrise.
So it is important to be a responsible father or son, more during 15 March – 15 April when Sun conjuncts Saturn in Pisces, during 15 May – 15 June and 15 December – 15 January when Saturn aspects Sun and also during 16 September – 16 October (when Sun opposes Saturn) in 2025, 2026 and 2027.
If kids are born when Mars transits Poorva Phalguni nakshatra of Simha Rasi and aspects Saturn in Pisces (1-23 July 2025), they can suffer due to relations will opposite gender. Extreme cases can lead to sexually transmitted diseases too when they grow up.
If born with Jupiter trine during November 2025 and between June-october 2026, february-june 2027 makes them highly placed politicians or officials during their middle age.
They earn respect and are popular within their generation.
Political and Climate changes with Saturn in Pisces March 2025 – February 2028
Saturn in Pisces brings huge political changes across the globe.
Saturn promotes democracy and against family rule. Power will be taken away from few families and hard working, well deserved persons get it.
Corrupt politicians, officials are exposed and lose their position. This is more evident when Jupiter transits Punarvasu nakshatra (14 June 2025 – 18 June 2026).
Avoid water sports, swimming in high tide during this transit. Saturn in Uttarabhadra nakshatra causes drowning of many.
2025 weather will be harsh with excess rain, frequent cyclones, floods, more rain in cities and less in villages.
Summer and winter are also extreme.
Saturn conjunct Neptune in Pisces is not good for creative people, those in fields of writing, acting, film making, music, painting etc. This bad effect will go away during late 2026 when Saturn moves away and Jupiter trines Pisces.
For more details of Saturn Transit in Pisces 2025-2028 Effects on 12 Moon Signs