Seven Planets are conjunct in Pisces during late March 2025 and they all influence opposing sign Virgo.
Infact, Virgo will be the most effected sign as it has Ketu and also under aspect of Mars from Gemini and Jupiter from Taurus.
Rahu is on the cusp of leaving Pisces (meena rasi), while Sun will be entering it on 14 March 2025.
Venus (retrograde) and Mercury (retrograde) are already transiting it along with Neptune the outer planet.
Moon joins them at 16:39 IST on 28 March and stays in same sign until 16:25 IST on 30 March 2025.
During these 2 days, Saturn also enters Pisces at 01:07 IST on 29 March 2025 to make this a SEVEN planet conjunction in Pisces.
Last time Saturn-Rahu were conjunct in Revati nakshatra of Pisces during 1968 and in April month of that year, 3 more planets – Sun, Mercury and Venus transited same sign.
Since this is the last sign of the zodiac, these planets bring about financial turbulence, unrest, unusual climate, natural calamities.
There is also a partial solar eclipse on 29th March, which adds up to huge changes in political dynamics, war situations and new alliances formed, while old ones are broken.
More than physical aspect, mental health of many will be effected.
Mercury is debilitated and retrograde, while Venus is exalted and retrograde in same sign. They both are combust too due to close proximity with SUN.
But the problem is – conjunction with Saturn and Rahu in same sign, which last happened in 2013Saturn adds to lack of motivation, fatigue and irritation.
Moon conjunct these planets leads to insomnia at night, paranormal experiences, strong intuition (if born with rahu-moon or ketu-moon conjunction), differences with elderly females, lack of concentration at work.
Mercury gives lack of proper judgement in crisis, useless loose talk, blabbering out of frustration, monotony, repetitive and copied thoughts.
Venus advices us to stay away from new relationships till end of April and control urges.
Karma is inevitable and in most cases, free-will is only theory.
This is the month to maintain low profile and work on yourself.
Generally, only six planets are considered to be conjunct in Pisces in vedic astrology, but outer planet Neptune plays a key role in political and social transformations, and less in individual horoscopes.
BIG changes in political equations happen over next few months, especially in Europe.
Next few months are not suitable for creative pursuits as Rahu and Saturn transit closely to Neptune.
Aries should avoid impulsive decision making and stay away from arguments. Situations at home, work and bank are not in your favour.
Gemini, Scorpio, Sagittarius are kept in the wait and also busy for nothing.
Cancer, Taurus, Libra, Capricorn can have good time but still postpone all major decisions to next month.
Pisces, Virgo need to take enough rest and no strain themselves. Meditation and Yoga works.
Aquarius, leo better take a month off from social life and comeback later.
Planetary transits in March 2025 during Seven Planets conjunction in Pisces
- Saturday March 1 : Venus goes Retrograde : This is a good month to contact old friends that you have not seen in a while.
- Sunday March 2 : Mercury conjunct Neptune AND Sun square Jupiter : Your imagination is stronger today. But do not make any major commitments right now. You will be too optimistic and take on too much.
- Wednesday March 5 : Mercury sextile Pluto : You are sharper today and people are more likely to listen to you now. Speak up !
- Saturday March 8 : Sun trine Mars AND Sun semisquare Pluto : A double dose of energy. Do not waste it.
- Tuesday March 11 : Venus semisquare Uranus AND Mercury conjunct Venus : This is a good combination for meeting new people and making new friends.
- Wednesday March 12 : Mercury semisquare Uranus AND Sun conjunct Saturn : Mercury / Uranus can give you new ideas. But be careful It can make you impatient. Think about those ideas before you put them into action. Sun/Saturn combinations are good time to take care of things that you have to do, but you do not really want to.
- Friday March 14 : Sun sextile Uranus : This makes it easier to figure things out and to come up with new ideas.
- Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on March 14 : This Full Moon lands rules Legal Matters and Foreign Countries. Court battles will intensify. So will negotiations with foreign countries. Virgo is the sign of work. Look for more lawsuits connected with layoffs of government workers.
- Saturday March 15 : Mercury Retrograde Begins : Do NOT start important new projects for the rest of this month. Just continue with things that you have already starts. Even better, now you can go back to things that you have put aside and finish them off.
- Wednesday March 19 : Sun conjunct Neptune : Your imagination and creativity are at a peak today. But ordinary, day-to-day tasks that you do all the time may be confusing right now.
- Friday March 21 : Venus sextile Pluto : This is a good time to spend with close friends. It is also excellent for any sort of beautification project, either on your home or on yourself.
- Saturday March 22 : Sun conjunct Venus : Oh what the heck! Have a good time today and enjoy yourself !
- Sunday March 23 : Sun sextile Pluto : This can give you extra strength and awareness. And it can help you to recover if you went too far with that Venus aspect yesterday.
- Monday March 24 : Sun conjunct Mercury : This is good for face-to-face communication. For those of you too young to remember, that is how people used to talk to each other before the internet.
- Tuesday March 25 : Mercury sextile Pluto : People are more likely to listen to you today.
- Thursday March 27 : Venus conjunct Neptune : Take a long walk today. Get out and smell the flowers.
- Saturday March 29 : Mercury enters Pisces AND Mercury conjunct Neptune AND Sun semisquare Uranus : This is NOT a good day to do your Income Tax. Your mind will be on other things.
- Solar Eclipse on March 29 : The eclipse chart has Aries Rising. The government battles are intensifying. Uranus (sudden, unexpected events) is on the mid-point of Mars and Saturn. Look for the government to make wild moves.