If a person is born while a planet is in retrograde motion, he/she is immensely effected by the planet’s qualities.
If more than 1 planet in retrograde at the time of birth, then the planet with most number of degrees in its sign will effect the person more.
1. If a planet is retrograde in its exalted sign, it loses its power to help the native.
2. If a planet is retrograde in its debilated sign, it gains more power and helps the native in all possible ways
3. If a planet is debilated and retrograde in Navamsa chart but anywhere in Rasi chart, will be helpful
4. Natural benefics (jupiter,venus,mercury,moon) if own 4,7,10 houses from Ascendant and are retrograde, then will cause more problems in all aspects to the houses they own and also the house they’re placed in.
5. Natural malefics (Sun,Mars,Saturn) if own 4,7,10 houses from Ascendant and are retrograde, then will benefic results in all aspects to the houses they own and also the house they’re placed in.
6. Any planet owning 1,5,9 houses(they shouldn’t own 6,8,12 at the same time) if retrograde will be helpful to the person.
7. All planets(except jupiter) give results of the house they started retrograding from, but not the house they’re placed in at birth. Only Jupiter gives
results of same house in which it is placed at birth time.