Jupiter in various houses of Navamsa Chart

Jupiter rules over finance, family, assets, spiritual knowledge, progeny, gold, blood sugar, fat in body etc.
Jupiter in various houses of Navamsa Chart D-9

Jupiter in various Navamsa owned by different Planets

Jupiter in Own house (Sagittarius or Pisces) : Native will live the lifestyle of a king, wear royal dresses, have more children, knowledge and skill in one particular art form, be a good host, gracious and liked by opposite gender.

Jupiter in Sun Navamsa (Leo) : Will behave like a servant, be an advisor to someone, do wicked and evil deeds, less wealth and physical energy.

Jupiter in Venus (Sukra) Navamsa (Taurus or Libra) : Person will always be happy, display brilliance at work, is famous, grateful, mertorious in studies and righteous in deeds.

Jupiter in Mars (Kuja) Navamsa (Aries or Scorpio) : This person will suffer from skin diseases, especially on face, has brilliant and sharp mind but use it mostly for sinful deeds, expenditure more than income.

Jupiter in Saturn (Sani) Navamsa (Capricorn or Aquarius) : Unless afflicted or retrograde, this native will have eye diseases, be corrupt, struggle to create wealth, lack physical energy and troubled by administration.

Jupiter in Moon (Chandra) Navamsa (Cancer) : Unless afflicted, native will be a good host, gains knowledge in spiritual and relgious subjects, practices few of them seriously at one point in life, fortunate even in miserable conditions, liked by many.

Jupiter in Mercury (Budha) Navamsa (Gemini or Virgo) : Person will be kind, wealthy, righteous, have great dressing sense, interested in ancient scriptures and respects elders.

Jupiter in different houses from Navamsa Lagna (D-9 chart)

Jupiter in 1st house of Navamsa : Jupiter in the 1st Navamsa house makes person spiritual, efficient, and religious. The native will attract a wealthy, obedient and generous spouse. If the house is Aries, they will have jobs related to the military, sports and technology that require courage. They will be optimistic about life, a source of inspiration to many around them. Jupiter allows them to excel in any situation. Their spouse will come from a family of spiritual tradition. There will be honesty and integrity in their love life. Married life will be calm and peaceful. Even if they have problems, they can solve them with respect.
Jupiter in the first house gives enough strength to fulfill their needs and desires in their marriage. Citizens and their partners will be close and look out for each other. They advise each other in their bad situations and support each other. If Jupiter is afflicted, the native may be obese and suffer from heart problems. Their spouse might not care about their health and do things their way.

Jupiter in 2nd house of Navamsa : Jupiter in 2nd house shows prosperity, wealth and divinity. The native will be very romantic and charming. They will do well in the fields of law, accounting and finance. Jupiter also shows a burning desire to teach and help others. They inherited the good wealth from parents. They marry someone who is materialistic and devoted to own family. They should be careful regarding their food. The native may have a strained relationship with his in-laws because of this. Childbirth is a turning point in their lives. Their children will be the source of spiritual aspirations of the native and spouse. Their first born child can bring a lot of wealth to the natives. If Jupiter is afflicted in this house due to Rahu or other inauspicious planets, the native may fall in love with his spiritual guru or teacher. On the contrary, the native may be so righteous that he cannot keep his money or wealth. They may travel a lot, often with their eldest child, leaving other families behind, which can cause problems in their marriage.

Jupiter in 3rd house of Navamsa : This is the best placement for Jupiter in the Navamsa chart. The native will be intelligent, curious and will like to learn or do new things in life. They are always looking for new ideas and want to live a plus size life. They will be a guide to their siblings. Generally, they will be rich, well-dressed, well versed in the ancient scriptures and highly respected among the elders. They can shine in the field of teaching or transfer of knowledge/skills. Third house of Navamsa Jupiter brings luck, hope and wealth to the native through marriage. The native will marry someone who is sweet and loving, friendly and related to the telecommunications or education. They along with their spouse can do many pilgrimages and short trips after they get married.
If the third house is Gemini, the native may have twins. As Gemini is a dual sign and Jupiter rules children, it can bless a couple with twins. Sometimes, this native woman can marry someone very much older than her age. If Jupiter gets a good aspect of Saturn in this house, the native may not like his family or his home. A loan or loan makes them work for needs of family.

Jupiter in 4th house of Navamsa : This is a good place for Jupiter. Their wealth is closely related to family emotions. The native will be fond of their mother. In fact, they will be very sensitive to their mother. They love to learn deep about ancient scriptures and history. They will be self sufficient and determined. Native can see great success in the fields related to interior design, architecture and education. There is a good chance that their spouse is also affected by the same activity. They will attract a partner, inspires and make a partner makes a person act. The couple will show an unnecessary love. In some cases, they will be very protective and possessive. They will strive to maintain harmony at home at all costs. This placement of Jupiter indicates that the native may sponsor a temple or establish a temple in their hometown. They will also have a huge place of worship or a well-decorated puja/meditation room in their house. If Jupiter is afflicted in this house, the native may spend all wealth for spiritual purposes. There may be difficulties related to maternal inheritance.

Jupiter in 5th house of Navamsa : Jupiter in 5th house shows good fortune from government or social sector. These natives will be qualified lawyers, legislators, parliamentarians or economists. They can do well as tax auditors or financial advisors. Most of the time, they will in judicial system. Their spouse may be a lawyer, a economist, counseller or a consultant. Most of the time, spouse will have confidence boosted through marriage. The couple will have many things in common and often get into unwanted debt.
If the native is female and the house is Gemini, they get favor and moral support from their father. These natives will be very generous and kind to their children. Their children can bring good luck. They may not know about money or be able to identify their enemies. They may have challenges in maintaining integrity and trust is being eroded in their relationships, both professional and personal. They can be cheated by friends, colleagues or assistants.

Jupiter in 6th house of Navamsa : Jupiter in the sixth house indicates success in the field of information technology or communication. They excel at planning, organizing events or managing large crowds. These natives will have a good and logical mind. Their marriage becomes a spiritual path. They reach spiritual heights thanks to their spouse. They will be very proud of their married life. Their partner will be a perfectionist and will appear younger than their age. They will be healthy and like to keep their shape. For a male native, if the sixth house is Virgo, the second sign of Mercury, the native can marry an older person. Their need for perfection often leads to disappointment in their married life. Most of the time, they immerse themselves in their work and use all their energy and intelligence to do a good job. They face their enemies and enemies with ease. They use their clever way of thinking to get away from opponents. They may be stuck with activities at their workplace or during business trips, or may lose money during long-distance business travel.

Jupiter in 7th house of Navamsa : Jupiter in the seventh house is a good sign for marital relations, spiritual progress through family life and wealth. Natives will be generous, be with their family members and other loved ones in life. Jupiter injects money through work, family wealth, power and authority. Jupiter grants success in career, love life and luck in business dealings. Jupiter in 7th Navamsa helps marry a person with a good education, a large family line and a good appearance. According to the analysis of the astrology of marriage, the 7th house Jupiter blesses beautiful partners, understanding and support. Their spouse will be very spiritually inclined and interested in yoga or other spiritual practices. These natives will receive impressive moral and emotional support from their marital partner. Their relationship with their children will be smooth and rich.
If the 7th house is a water sign, the spouse will be the reason to move abroad permanently. When Jupiter suffers from this home because of Rahu or Saturn, the native may be poor in life and get a menial job like working at a restaurant, motel or furnishing. Their rude behavious will often get them into fights and arguments at work place.

Jupiter in 8th house of Navamsa : Jupiter in the 8th house makes the person strong mentally, emotionally and physically. They live a long life without disease. The native may have a bad or distant relationship with his father or guru/spiritual teacher. Their religious faith and good deeds are emphasized due to the presence of Jupiter in the eighth house. This house provides a great opportunity for natives to use their unique and indigenous knowledge in occult or tantric matters to uplift the lives of many people. They can solve any problem under the sky. They will do a thorough investigation applying the knowledge and luck of Jupiter to get to the root cause of the problem. Married life of the native will be a mixture of ups and downs. They will marry someone with many hidden talents, religious and rich. Natives will be rich especially after marriage. They experience unexpected things after giving birth to a child. Their interest in occultism, mysticism and tantra increased when they became parents. If Jupiter is damaged in this house, it can cause their power to decline and damage to their wealth from their enemies in a hidden way. They will not know their losses or challenges since this house is ruled by secrets and enemies. Often, they may face hidden hostility from their spouse or in-laws.

Jupiter in 9th house of Navamsa : Jupiter in this house gives the greatest blessings to the people. Birth and wealth through marital union are the greatest blessings of Jupiter. Real estate, money and family wealth are some of the things the native will be born with. These natives will be true to their word, honest and caring. They will be respected speakers in philosophy or spiritual fields. Jobs related to insurance, banking or finance will bring them success. They will marry someone with many degrees of education, great respect in society, and a philosophical mind. After marriage, the couple will put effort into many spiritual generosity in their life. They can build temples or powerful places of worship. They can also create spiritual wisdom schools or spiritual organizations that help others grow. If Jupiter is afflicted by Rahu or Mars, the native may fake their spiritual experience to become a much sought-after “spiritual guru“. They hurt the religious feelings of others or gives wrong advice. Spouse can face many challenges because of this character of the native.

Jupiter in 10th house of Navamsa : Jupiter in this house makes natives study ancient scriptures like vedas, mantras and tannras. They will be youngest entrepreneurs in small business, legal and financial field. They can also shine in political affairs that make them the youngest senator or mayor or house representative. Natives get honor and fame through their marriage association. They attract a spouse with intelligence and nature. They can meet them through their work. These natives will be loving and will do everything to make their spouse feel special. Their lives will be an inspiration to many members of the community. Their reputation increases when both of them contribute or serve the society. After they get married, they try to build a business empire together by complementing each other’s knowledge and wisdom. Together they can create opportunities for others to understand people.
If Jupiter is afflicted, the native will have serious financial problems due to which they will make many enemies and face fights. They may have damaged their social skills or communication skills. They can end the family business or damage the family pride.

Jupiter in 11th house of Navamsa : Jupiter in the 11th house in this Navamsa blesses great benefits and social influence through marriage. At first, they get name and money thanks to their mother. They imprint a lot on their mother’s side and celebrate through them. Jupiter in this house brings a powerful role in matters of culture and taxation. Jupiter blesses a marriage with someone who is a civil servant or a social worker. Jupiter in 11th house indicate male children for natives, unless afflicted. They will have success and luck if malefic planets do not conjunct or aspect this house.
If Jupiter is weak or afflicted in this house, the danger is that the natives lack love or generosity. They will be focused on material pleasures, disinclined towards marriage or a legal partner. When Saturn or Rahu is powerful in this house with Jupiter, the native may receive money, wealth or illegal assets. If Rahu is malefic in this house with Jupiter, the native may fall into trouble due to tax evasion or embezzlement.

Jupiter in 12th house of Navamsa : Jupiter in this 12th house inspires natives to travel, seek spirituality and learn about foreign cultures. They can move to another country. They are tech savvy and have jobs or careers in the tech sector. At the beginning of their marriage, they will be spendthrifts and maintain many romantic relationships. People in this jupiter in 12th navamsa position, may experience problems with their sleep patterns. They are often deprived of deep and peaceful sleep. They will want to marry a spouse who can provide financial and material stability. They meet their soulmate in a foreign country, a local can be a foreigner. They live a wonderful life with children and other joys for some time of life. After 36 years, the native renounces all worldly desires and begins monasticism or deep spiritual practice. They leave most of their money or property to charity instead of leaving their own family.