Ketu in various houses of Navamsa Chart

Ketu represents spirituality, grand children, maternal grand parents, before and after life, ears, spine, mooladhara chakra, detachment of mind, lightning, thunderbolts, viruses in body and viral diseases, mode of death etc.
Ketu in various houses of Navamsa Chart D-9

Ketu in various Navamsa owned by different Planets

Ketu in Saturn Navamsa (Capricorn or Aquarius) : This Ketu gives patience, detachment from relations and all materialistic comforts, ability to do penance or mediation for long time, spiritual power and guidance from mystics.

Ketu in Sun Navamsa (Leo) : Low on self esteem, lack of pride, hair loss at early age, looks older than age, dominated by opposite gender, losses in investments and litigations and one long term disease.

Ketu in Jupiter (Guru) Navamsa (Sagittarius or Pisces) : Studies ancient medicine like ayurveda, astrology, vedas, history, literature, poetry. Most of their knowledge is not useful to people around them. Can end up being good psychriatrists, healers, therapists etc.

Ketu in Mars (Kuja) Navamsa (Aries or Scorpio) : They will be manly and tend to develop lean musclar body. Few will marry a beautiful or intelligent person, who is outside their community or race.
Their relations and views are not accepted by society. Will force discipline on others.

Ketu in Venus (Sukra) Navamsa (Taurus or Libra) : Skin diseases, lack of cleanliness, always interested in menial jobs, never dresses according to the occassion, acts miserly and lives a simple, low profile life.

Ketu in Moon (Chandra) Navamsa (Cancer) : Will be forced to develop detachment by middle-age. All blood relations disappoint them.
Talent goes wasted due to financial or family pressures. Will tend to be devotional.

Ketu in Mercury (Budha) Navamsa (Gemini or Virgo) : Bad in business and financial affairs. Cheated by partners and gurus.
Gets agitated or provoked easily. Do NOT live in reality, which leads to multiple setbacks.

Ketu in different houses from Navamsa Lagna (D-9 chart)

Ketu in 1st house of Navamsa : Ketu in ascendant of Navamsa chart makes the natives charming and attractive. They love to live in the nature and explore outdoor activities. They are keen on earning life experiences other than accumulating wealth or assets. Native receives multiple proposals due to their magnetic personality.
They marry a physically and emotionally dominant person. This spouse will be a successful entrepreneur. Also, spouse is someone with whom the native has to settle huge past life debt. They prioritizes their spouse desires and requirements over theirs.
They may encounter physical and emotional challenges due to their children. Their child often feels distant from the native and hardly expresses their love towards the native- parent.
If Ketu is malefic or conjunct Saturn in this house, the native may have poor will power and no affinity towards worldly pleasures. They also have poor judgement when it comes to relationships and due to this, they get cheated in love life.
In few cases, native may be afraid of physical relationships and marital commitments. They will chose to remain celibate throughout their life.

Ketu in 2nd house of Navamsa : Ketu in the second house delivers mixed results. Native may feel detached from their family members.
They are raised by their grandparents in the early stage of their childhood and sometimes even until they reach teenage. They may grow up to be vulnerable fussy persons. They worry a lot about money and status. Few of them can discontinue their education mid way. But they gain master command over few subjects by self learning.
They have a knack with learning languages and means of communication like writing, sign language etc.
There face multiple hiccups in love life.
If Jupiter shares this house with Ketu, they can convert all the negative aspects into positive aspects.
They will marry someone who loves them selflessly and offers support to become a successful person in their career.
They develop spiritual ascension and become a yogi by middle age.
If Ketu is malefic or conjunct Saturn in this house, the native may have slurred speech. Their spouse may feel being let down by the native.
There will be frequent ego issues in between couple.
They can have children with developmental or physical disorders.

Ketu in 3rd house of Navamsa : They are well built, tall, and attractive people. They tend to dominate or lead everyone in their friends circle and their siblings or cousins. There might have to face recurring issues with younger siblings. These natives receive profits and fame through religious and spiritual activities. Ketu promotes native’s career. There could be frequent travel related to their profession.
They will meet life partner during one such travel.
They date one person for long time or multiple persons for short times.
They decision to get married late in their life is also because to their career related travel.
If Ketu is benefic in the 3rd house along with Mars in the 12th house, the native will at an early marriage and have a son before the age of 24.
Birth of the son will be beneficial for native’s wealth and health of the couple.
If Ketu is afflicted by saturn in this house, they lose wealth due to litigations.
Spouse may face issues from siblings of the native.

Ketu in 4th house of Navamsa : Ketu in 4th house makes them God-fearing and religious. They will inheri their father’s spiritual fortune and tradition.
Most of the time, they are born after their parents sincerely worshiped god or got blessed by a guru.
In some cases, native will be blessed with a son after a spiritual master blesses the couple.
When Ketu is under the influence of beneficial afflictions, the native will be calm, quiet and well-balanced in emotions.
These natives make good spouses and also good parents. They will be rich and enjoy materialistic comforts until 46 years of age, after which they can turn to spiritual light.
They will meet new persons in a mysterious way. They make friends with these people and have strong, long lasting relationships.
Ketu helps dissolve past life karma through these connections.
They will miss love of a mother at young age and can be raised by their grandmother.
They may not be interested in marriage and may not focus on their married life properly. Only benefic aspects of other planets and Moon on Ketu in 4th house of Navamsa can overcome these issues.

Ketu in 5th house of Navamsa : Ketu in the 5th house makes the native intelligent, sharp, and ambitious in their life.
Their career will witness success through their power of imagination. The natives have a sharp tongue and often hurt people with their words.
They may be extremely emotional about petty things and delineate from risks of life. It is difficult for them to feel real love as their emotions are superficial and too outward.
They love enjoying worldly pleasures with their spouse, but fail to take any responsibility towards the marriage. They expect their spouse to take accountability of domestic life. These couple can have all children of same gender.
If the native is female, they will undergo cesarean surgery for every childbirth. They often start their life as highly pious and religious individual, but after the age of 36 or 38 they may reject all forms of worship as they feel cheated.
If Ketu is weak in this house, the native’s children might face troubles. If Ketu is ruined in this house, the native may not have children. They may spend much of their wealth to correct infertility.

Ketu in 6th house of Navamsa : Ketu in 6th house of Navamsa is a moderate placement. Natives will enjoy life without financial issues, but face people issues. Most people they meet often turn into enemies with no particular evident reason, other than karmic.
If Ketu is good in this house, it helps in receiving family inheritance through aunts or maternal uncles. If Ketu is weak, the inheritance will be blocked by other relatives.
Ketu covers up for all flaws of the native through marriage.
Their spouse is the pillar of strength in native’s life. They solve all issues and make sure native cherishes marital love.
Their children will reject family life or disregard family traditions.
If Venus is conjunct Ketu in this house, native may never marry but has many lovers or sexual partners without marital commitments.
They will be fickle-minded and their volatile personalities will never help them find a partner for marriage.

Ketu in 7th house of Navamsa : Ketu in the 7th house indicates that the native is interested in spirituality and does not like materialistic commitments or duties. They develop a deep spiritual and philosophical approach to everything.
If Ketu is benefic in this house, the native will be born in a rich family and does not have to work to earn money.
Native choose the person with whom they feel a connection on a soul level.
They do not commit to anyone until they find soul level connecting one.
It is important for them to feel a sense of unity in the physical and spiritual worlds. Both native and their partner may be interested in occult sciences and practices. Typically, their spouse will be a physician or alternative/holistic medicine specialist. If aspected or conjunct by Jupiter, they will make generous medical contributions to the society.
If Ketu is debilitated in this house or Rahu is in the first house of the Navamsa chart, the native will be very detached from worldly pleasures and will often have taken this birth only to dissolve the bad karma of previous birth.
In some cases, this also indicates that the couple will have a deep relationship with the bad karma of the native and create a channel to solve the chain.

Ketu in 8th house of Navamsa : Ketu in 8th house people are usually lonely and have many hidden talents. They are often interested in mysticism, tarot and astrology. They love to learn about snakes, birds and other mystic living beings.
The native may love someone from his workplace or workout place.
Native or their lover may become pregnant before marriage. Or, they can marry a single parent, a divorced person with child, or a widow with child.
They often start as parents in their married life. Couples learn many secrets and hidden spiritual techniques. If Venus shares this house with Ketu and well aspected, native will get benefits from marriage.
If Ketu is weak in this house, native may be very demanding for spouse or otherwise.
Spouse may want to live a life of luxury and physical pleasures.
This couple may be affected by skin diseases or knee problems in the later part of married life.

Ketu in 9th house of Navamsa : Ketu in the 9th house is a good placement.
They love to help the poor and needy. They may join a spiritual group or volunteer at a very young age.
These natives are intelligent and seek intelligence and understanding equally from their partner.
This delays marriage, as they wait patiently to find a good partner. They can meet their partner while working for an NGO or some social service.
Native spends a large part of life abroad for spiritual reasons. This couple will beget sons and when the Moon or Venus is good in the chart, Ketu in this house gives exceptional results. If Ketu is malefic in this house, the native may lose inheritance to siblings or family members.
They may develop a relationship with a family member or family friend that culminates in the involvement of their family. If Rahu in 3rd house of Navamsa is malefic, then they will suffer loss or defamation through a relationship.

Ketu in 10th house of Navamsa : People with Ketu in the 10th house are great mentors and teachers.
If Ketu is benefic in this house, the native will be very lucky and is born in a wealthy family. Their father takes good care of them.
Their father or grandfather will be concerned about the future and well-being of them.
When Saturn is benefic in the 6th house of Navamsa chakra and Ketu in the 10th house, the native will be a popular sportsman.
The native marries a person with many siblings and good spiritual upbringing.
They will be very forgiving in nature towards spouse and often let go of their past behavior.
Native will get a lot of wealth after marriage.
They are often considered as a spiritual couple.
If Ketu is malefic in this house, the native’s father dies early.
There may be problems with vehicles.
They may not want to do what society wants. They may not even think about getting a well-paying job, a house, or a child at some point. But they recognize obstacles in life that can affect their spiritual path and try to remove them.

Ketu in 11th house of Navamsa : Ketu in the 11th house is a moderate place. As an upachaya house, Ketu in this house of navamsa chart brings good benefits in terms of material pleasures. These natives can achieve success in their careers. They can be highly successful in politics and sports at later stages of their life.
They make good friends. Sometimes their friendship is often a bond that goes back to past incarnations. They are kind and generous people.
They get married to their best friend.
They support and help their spouses in their life, work and even in their spiritual growth. This couple can have children after or around age of 40.
There are many positive outcomes in the life of natives after 40 years.
Unless Ketu is benefic in the house, the native may face ups and downs in married life, but the marriage remains stable.
If the 7th house is weak in the Navamsa chart, Ketu in this 11th house can cause dual marriages for the native. Death of his first spouse due to illness or accident is possible. They may have a child from their first marriage.

Ketu in 12th house of Navamsa : Ketu in the 12th house is the place of exaltation.
Ketu blesses wealth, power and happiness. The people of this ketu placement inherit great spiritual powers from their powerful ancestors.
They are often interested in investigative research, human psychology and knowing inside layers of mind.
Ketu makes it possible to marry someone with deep wisdom, a clear conscience and having clarity about life.
The native’s spouse will be in an responsible and big position at their work.
The couple can devote their time to social work or creating opportunities for the oppressed. The native enjoys many comforts, benefits and luxuries of life. The native’s wife will be fond of animals and pets.
They will be able to have pets throughout their lifetime.
They will establish an NGO or work for PETA for animals.
When Ketu is malefic in the twelfth house, the native and spouse may not have an heir to their wealth.
Instead, their lives are completely focused on spiritual awakening. Their spouse may want to have children, but the spiritual activities of natives often elude them.