Results of Navamsa Lord in various houses

Physical appearance, psychology and lifestyle of a person according to their Navamsa sign and its lord.
Navamsa D-9 Lord in various houses

Navamsa Lord Sun (LEO) : This person will have long, thick and curly hair, symmetric body with fair complexion, profound, splendorous, valorous, be skillful in romance and sex, always interested in sinful deeds.
They will have an extremely unstable financial position, righteous, happy, cruel in thoughts, will destroy enemies and will have limited children.
Their face gets visibly red/pink when in anger or shy.

Navamsa Lord Moon (CANCER) : Their personality will be radiant and have fairer skin than other.
They will be of medium height, have a broad chest and back, thick hair and charming eyes, wealthy, be righteous, virtuous, fond of physical pleasures and will be famous for their fashion sense.

Navamsa Lord Mars (ARIES or SCORPIO) : They will have brownish or blonde hair, round eyes and a depressed back.
Their skintone will be fair, will have ugly or diseased or unclean nails and a scarred body.
They are wicked, envious, skillful in stealing properties and relations of others and be less righteous.
These people will be happy, cruel, lustful, dominates enemies and act miserly.

Navamsa Lord Mercury (GEMINI or VIRGO) : They will have marks or boils on skin, will have roving eyes, an even body, broad chest, charming teeth and waist.
They maintain long hair during youth.
Health will not be good from middle age as they put on weight.
They are good in negotiations, be courageous, wealthy, and marry a good looking person.
Most of their money will be useless for themselves or blood relatives.
They sleep deep and enjoy different cuisines.

Navamsa Lord Jupiter (SAGITTARIUS or PISCES) : They have smooth skin with a lotus shaped belly, attractive and expressive big eyes with radiance of blue lilly.
Most of them are tall with smooth hair.
They also have soft palms with superior lines on dominant hand.
Their large forhead indicates knowledge gained over multiple lives and soul maturity.
They possess intelligence of a highest order, entertain guests, highly virtuous, valorous, like to spend time with opposite gender and children, wealthy and will have a melodious voice.

Navamsa Lord Venus (TAURUS or LIBRA) : These natives will have downward-looking eyes, soft hair, attractive face and body, neck resembling a conch.
They are impatient, darker or brownish in complexion, involve in heroic acts, wealthy, virtuous.
They are fond of literature, cinema, drama, poetry.
These natives also are generous, love to wear latest fashion, decorations, colors and flowers.

Navamsa Lord Saturn (CAPRICORN or AQUARIUS) : They lack physical fitness and cleanliness. Their hair loses natural color at early age.
Body is easily prone to illness, possess soft and their eyes look for sympathy.
Most of them settle for menial or clerical jobs, involve in physical labour, act sinful, irreligious and struggle to accumulate wealth.