Withania Somnifera, Ashwagandha, Indian Gooseberry, How to make Ashwagandha powder, For Childless couples, increase height of children, Mental stress and agitation, Sexual weakness, Weak Children, Anemia, Free Urine and burning sensation while urinating, Diabetes, Hypothyroidism, Antioxidants.
Ashwa meaning horse and Gandha meaning smell in Sanskrit.
Withania Somnifera is the scientific name of the medicinal herb commonly known as Ashwagandha in Sanskrit and Indian Gooseberry, Winter cherry in English.
It is a combination of the words Ashwa meaning horse and Gandha meaning smell in Sanskrit.
Strong smelling like horse. It is a plant belonging to night shade family.
Ashwagandha is a short perennial shrub growing up to 75 cm in height. Leaves are dull green in color, flowers are also green in color, and ripe fruit is red in color. It is native to India and grown in Nepal, China and Yemen.
It can tolerate very high and low temperatures and is grown from sea level to high mountains.
The main chemical constituents of the plant are alkaloids and Steroidal lactones.
The plant tuberous roots are primarily used in medicine.
How to make Ashwagandha Roots Powder
Uproot the Ashwagandha plant and cut off its roots. Wash the roots with water to remove all dirt. Cut the roots into small pieces and put in vessel and pour Cow milk to immerse them. Put this on a stove and simmer on low flame. Let all milk evaporate leaving only the Ashwagandha root pieces alone. Next dry these pieces in a shady and airy place. Grind these dry root pieces into a powder and store in a glass bottle.
Medicinal Uses of Ashwagandha
For Childless couples and Healthy children
In the modern age due to hectic and unhealthy lifestyle a lot of couples are not having babies or even if they have babies they are not healthy. Ashwagandha is an excellent remedy for this problem. Take Ashwagandha roots, wash them thoroughly with water and dry them in shady and airy place. Put the roots in a vessel and pour Cow milk to immerse them. Put this on a stove and simmer on low flame. Let all milk evaporate leaving only the Ashwagandha roots alone. Next dry these pieces in a shady and airy place. Again put them in a vessel and pour Cow milk to immerse them. Put this on a stove and simmer on low flame. Let all milk evaporate leaving only the Ashwagandha roots alone. Next dry these pieces in a shady and airy place. Repeat this process 41 times. It’s a lot of work but the results are worth it.
Crush the dried roots into a powder and add an equal quantity of candy sugar to it. Store in a glass bottle. Everyday add 1/4 teaspoon of this powder to a glass of Cow milk and drink. This will increase the sperm count. This will also strengthen the body and result in successful love making and result in healthy babies.
For Mental stress and Agitation
Add 5 grams of Ashwagandha powder to a glass of lukewarm water and drink early in the morning. Doing this regularly will give relief from mental stress and pressure. It will relax your mind and keep you happy.
For Sexual Weakness
Some men suffer from sexual weakness and erectile dysfunction due to sexually transmitted disease, alcohol and cigarette smoking. They can try the following remedy. Take 40 grams each of the following herbs. Ashwagandha, Asparagau racemosus or Shatavari, Costus speciosus or Chengalva kostu, Indian night shade/Vakadu chetu fruit, Spikenard or Jatamamsi. Grind all of them together with milk. To this add 800 milliliter of milk and 400 milliliter of Gingelly oil. Put this decoction on a stove and boil till only oil remains. Let it cool, filter it and store it in a glass bottle. Everyday pour 10 drops of this oil on the Penis and massage it delicately. Don’t massage the front portion, only the back half and groin. Soon sexual weakness will be cured and you can look forward to a happy love making.
Ashwagandha For Weak Children, To Increse Height
Take Ashwagandha powder and to this add an equal quantity of candy sugar. Early in the morning add one teaspoon of this mix to a cup of milk. Give this to children every day. This will strengthen the body and mind of the children.
For Anemia
Take 30 grams of Ashwagandha powder, 60 grams of Pepper, 50 grams of dried ginger, 40 grams of Long pepper, 30 grams of Cardamom, 10 grams of Cloves and 20 grams of seeds of Ceylon Ironwood or Nagakesar. Grind all of the above together and to this add an equal quantity of Candy sugar. Store this in a glass bottle. Eat 5 grams of this medicine twice a day to cure Anemia.
For Free Urine and burning sensation while urinating
Take equal quantities of Ashwagandha powder, Tinosporia cordifolia or Tippa teega, Dry ginger powder, Indian gooseberry tree bark and Small caltrops or Pallerukaya. Grind all of the above together. To a glass of water add this mix and boil on stove. Boil till only half water remains. Let it cool, and to this add a spoon of honey. Eat this medicine to get relief from burning sensation while urinating. Also free urine will be passed without any problems.
Aswagandha For curing Diabetes
Eat half teaspoon of Ashwagandha powder twice a day. This will control blood glucose levels during fasting and post lunch sessions.
For Hypothyroidism
Ashwagandha powder if taken daily improves the secretion of thyroid hormones. This is especially beneficial for patients suffering from hypothyroidism. Ashwagandha stimulates the Thyroid gland immensely.
For Antioxidants
Free radicals roaming in our body wreck immense havoc. Ashwagandha contains antioxidants that help clean them up. Eat half teaspoon of Ashwagandha powder twice a day.
Precautions while using Ashwagandha
Pregnant women should avoid Ashwagandha as it can induce abortion. Taking large quantities of Ashwagandha can cause diarrhea and nausea. Those suffering from hypertension and insomnia should avoid it.