Mrigasira 3,4 quarters, Arudra, Punarvasu 1,2,3 quarters
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Weekly Predictions for Gemini between 19 January 2025 - 25 January 2025
Career : Demoralization in the army of the enemy or defeat of enemy, and success are possible. Loss of position indicated in job or profession. Anxiety and mental tensions indicated. Later half, excellent time for the people in acting and modeling industry. Fulfillment of desires, honors from elders and superiors, and virtuous deeds indicated. Favors can be expected from elders and teachers.Relations : Cordial relations will not be there in family. Quarrels with spouse and children will affect pleasures in family life. Later half, attainment of wealth, friends and companions, success of children give you joy and satisfaction. Meeting relatives, or getting new ones, help from friends can be predicted. Cordial relations indicated with spouse. There may be good news about the birth of a child in your family.
Finance : Care must be taken in all financial affairs. Not a good time for speculation or stocks. Losses are possible through purposeless ventures, wicked acts or dull intellect. You may incur more expenditure.
Health : Your health would require more attention. Fever, stomach ailments, bleeding, and unconscious flow of seminal fluid are possible. Diseases mostly related to the blood and the stomach indicated.
Favorable days : Friday is suitable for commencement of any important works or affairs.
Daily Moon Sign Predictions in Vedic Astrology are done based on position, sign lord, star lord, aspects and conjunctions of Moon at Sun Rise of each day. Similarly, Weekly Moon Sign Predictions are based on Moon at Sunday Sun Rise Time, Monthly Moon Sign Predictions based on Moon at 1st date of each month along with transit of Sun, Venus, Mercury and Yearly Moon Sign Predictions based on Moon's position on 1st January of each year along with major planets like Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu.