Chitra 3,4 quarters, Swati, Visakha 1,2,3 quarters
Libra Daily | Libra Weekly | Libra Monthly | Libra Yearly |
Income : Expenditure :: 11 : 5 (ratio)Compliment : Insult :: 2 : 2 (ratio)
An overview of year 2025
Jupiter in 8th house till mid May and then in 9th and 10th houses, Rahu in 6th house and Ketu in 12th house till end of May, later Rahu in 5th house and Ketu in 11th house, Saturn in 5th house till end of March and then in 6th house, together determine the major transit results this year.In 2025 chart, Lord of your Sign, Venus is located in 5th house along with 5th lord Saturn, which is good only for matters related to loved ones.
As Saturn transits Aquarius and Pisces, there will be health upsets, but financial and family position improves. Your popularity increases as the year progresses.
Rahu transit after May 2025 will create few embarrassing situations in love and regrading children.
2025 with respect to different aspects in your life
You will become strong devotee to god, and also have the blessings of god. With your tremendous self confidence you will progress in life. Enemies will be defeated. Success in all works and affairs, achievements which could not be possible earlier becomes possible and multiplied gains also indicated.For all the people, the initial two to three months, results are not favorable. Monetary losses, huge expenditures for the sake of family, obstacles in receiving money, blames can be predicted. From the month of June you will see changes in all aspects. Fulfillment of desires, growth in social status, and achieving success independently are possible. Enemies will be suppressed. Your innovative approach gives you reputation in society. Visiting religious places, performing auspicious functions at home can be expected. Favorable time to seek marriage alliances. Cordial relations with spouse and happy family life are indicated. Success in legal affairs, and inability of anyone to speak in front of you will be seen.
Professional will see returns for the efforts they put. Obstacles are possible with the intervention of some, but still with your dedicated hard work progress can be seen. Gain of new vehicle or house can be expected.
Favorable period for the employees. Promotions with transfers, and also increments and bonus can also be expected. Past problems will be vanished. Government employees will have the cooperation of higher authorities in executing important works. Effortless monetary gains, elevated position to the employees in private sector, change of organization with better salary can be expected. Regularization in job for those on contract or temporary recruitment is also indicated. Unemployed get settled in life this year.
Politicians can expect favorable period. Name and fame indicated in public and party high command. Though defeated last year, this year is favorable. An honorable post in party can be expected. Hard work will be rewarded suitably. Success is possible in elections this year, if conducted. Lack of peace of mind indicated.
People in fine arts can expect better results than previous year. Desires will be fulfilled. New opportunities can be expected for the writers, singers, technicians and directors in T.V and cinema industry. Professional works and talents will be recognized, and awards or rewards can also be expected. Success event will be celebrated with awards and rewards. Construction of house is also possible.
Profits indicated for businessmen. Bad debts will be recovered. Expected gains, commencement of new business also indicated. Good profits will be enjoyed by contractors, wholesalers and retailers. Favorable period for partnerships in business. Also real estate business too. Huge profits indicated for those engaged in business of storage of goods, construction of buildings, iron, cement and finance.
Very good results are possible for the students. Good memory, interest in studies, high ambitions, strong determination, and desire for growth leads to good marks and success. Higher education is also possible. Admissions in reputed colleges at desired place is predicted, with the obtained good ranks in competitive examinations. Favorable for the sports. Success, and placement in national or international teams indicated.
Farmers will be benefited through two crops. Past debts will be cleared. Government aid is also indicated. Lease farmers also get gains and profits. Huge yield leads to good returns on investments. Increased income and gains will be utilized for buying motor vehicles and performing auspicious functions at home. Excellent period for those in business of fisheries or poultry.
For Women: A very good period for you. Increased reputation in family and good health are indicated. Respect and honor from everyone can be expected. Gain of valuable items like ornaments, and registering property or fixed assets in your name indicated. Your greatness will come in limelight. Joy through children, cordial relations with spouse and happy family life can be predicted. Promotions indicated in job. Also transfers to desired place and cooperation of higher authorities can be expected. Differences will be resolved and reunion is possible with separated life partner. Unmarried get married this year. Pregnant Women will be blessed with a baby boy through natural delivery. Inauspicious news about maternal or paternal relatives or children is possible.
Remedies : Remain silent on Tuesdays and Saturdays.
Your new year resolution for year 2025 : Maintain balance in relations and work. Do NOT try hard to please everyone.
Daily Moon Sign Predictions in Vedic Astrology are done based on position, sign lord, star lord, aspects and conjunctions of Moon at Sun Rise of each day. Similarly, Weekly Moon Sign Predictions are based on Moon at Sunday Sun Rise Time, Monthly Moon Sign Predictions based on Moon at 1st date of each month along with transit of Sun, Venus, Mercury and Yearly Moon Sign Predictions based on Moon's position on 1st January of each year along with major planets like Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu.