Method to calculate birth number and fadic number :
If you are born on dates 2,11,20,29 of any month, then your birth number is 2.
The single number remaining after adding up numbers in date, is taken.
How to find your fadic number : if you are born on 24th june 1983, 2+4+6+1+9+8+3 = 33
3+3 = 6
so your fadic or destiny number is 6.
So, if your birth number is 2 and fadic number is 6, then you are completely under the influence of MOON and VENUS.
They are moderately tall and have a charming face. They are good talkers. One word of caution. If the name is not suitable, they are likely to become slaves to some bad habit.
It is essential that they should not cultivate bad habits and should remain extra-careful in everything. By nature they are attractive in their gait, dress and mannerisms. They are skilful in easily attracting others and forming friendship with them. They have opportunities to earn money through writing, lecturing, debating and bargaining. Some will become great lawyers or doctors and earn a good income.
They are susceptible to flattery. They dislike those who point out their shortcomings. Therefore they should become aware of their faults and rectify them. Their mind will not be at rest at any time. They will strain every nerve and work hard at full speed. Suddenly they will feel frustrated and cease to function.
Suitable name
Those who are in employment may feel that their income is not adequate. Therefore they will make plans to increase it by undertaking some additional work. If they have names which are in harmony with their DOB and the DMY Numbers, they will become immensely rich.
They talk sweetly and nicely. They possess great lm aginative power. They do maintain a plan with which they can always manage to live comfortably, enjoying all facilities. Generally, they do not face any major trouble in life. People with suitable names will acquire house, Iand conveyance and industry and have all modern comforts.
Naming Method
They may adjust or form their names so as to represent the numbers 15, 24, 33, 42, 69, etc. of Venus. Or they may select names representing 34, 43, etc. of Neptune. These numbers assure beneficial effects in full.
All articles of green colour will bring them good profit. Agriculture, business in vegetables and leaves, cosmetics and beauty aids, jewels and perfumes, commission, and contract work are highly suitable for them. Even if some of them may be in government job, they may join a business on partnership basis and earn money.
If the name does not suit the DOB and the DMY Numbers these people may suffer from eye disease, mental trouble or stomach disorder.
Numerology Tips
Lucky numbers : 6, 7
Lucky dates : 6, 7, 15, 16,24, 25
Lucky stones : Cat’s eye, Tiger eye, Jade, Moonstone
Lucky colours : Pale, blue, Green
Unsuitable dates : 9,18,27
Unsuitable colours : Red, Orange, Rose, Violet