Sun Effects in Viswavasu Nama Samvatsara (2025-26)

Sun is the King, Minister, Meghadhipathi (Clouds) and Arghyadhipati (Water) for Vedic New Year Viswavasu Nama Samvatsara (2025-26). Aristocrat planet SUN being ruler of this year and also Minister (advisor). This makes politics the most discussed subject. Politicians will use all tactics like religious discrimination, racism, … Read more

Sun in various houses of Navamsa Chart

Sun is the King of Solar system and in Vedic astrology Sun is referred as the King of planets. Sun is the Source of Prana, Light, and life energy. It is refered as Father, Leader, Monarch, Powerful positions held in society. Sun in various Navamsa owned … Read more

Transit SUN in aspects to Natal PLUTO

Natal Pluto is the sign where your Pluto was placed during birth time, and from there other houses are calculated clock-wise. If you were born with Pluto in Scorpio, then your natal house is Scorpio (Vrischika Rasi) and during transit, SUN forming conjunction (in Scorpio), sextile … Read more

Transit SUN in aspects to Natal Neptune

Natal Neptune is the sign where your Neptune was placed during birth time, and from there other houses are calculated clock-wise. If you were born with Neptune in Scorpio, then your natal house is Scorpio (Vrischika Rasi) and during transit, SUN forming conjunction (in Scorpio), sextile … Read more

Transit SUN in Aspect to Natal Uranus

Natal Uranus is the sign where your Uranus was placed during birth time, and from there other houses are calculated clock-wise. If you were born with Uranus in Libra, then your natal house is Libra (Thula Rasi) and during transit, SUN forming conjunction (in Libra), sextile … Read more

Immunity Strength based on your Zodiac Sign

Our immunity, physical strength, ability to fight diseases, endurance, prana energy can be known by significance, strength of Sun (Surya) and Ascendant (Lagna). Sun is the tanu (self or body) kaaraka in any horoscope. Sun is the life force as it lends vitality, energy and life … Read more