Mars Effects in Krodhi Nama Samvatsara (2024-25)

Mars is King, Sasyadhipati (Agriculture) and Neerasadhipati (diseases) for Vedic New Year Krodhi Nama Samvatsara (2024-25). Mars controls Administration, agriculture and diseases in Sri Krodhi Nama Samvatsara (2024-25). Frequent rebellion groups act against governments and also go to courts against new laws. Much stricter laws will … Read more

Saturn Effects in Krodhi Nama Samvatsara (2024-25)

Saturn is Mantri (Minister) for Vedic New Year Krodhi Nama Samvatsara (2024-25). Youth will be inclined to join armed forces. Military services utilized at crucial times. This generation tends to take more independent decisions. Qualities like entrepreneurship increases instead of traditional jobs. Political leaders who take … Read more

Jupiter Effects in Krodhi Nama Samvatsara (2024-25)

Jupiter (Guru) is the Rasaadhipati (controls beverages, defence etc) for Vedic New Year Subhakritu Nama Samvatsara (2022-23). Import business flourishes. There can be attempts to malign brand value and image of few multi national companies but to no effect. Food adulteration leads to uncurable health hazards. … Read more

Sun Effects in Krodhi Nama Samvatsara (2024-25)

Sun is Dhaanyadhipathi (Cereals and Grains) for Vedic New Year Krodhi Nama Samvatsara (2024-25). Wheat and red or brown color grains, rice, tamarind, onion , cashews and spices will have increased prices. Accidents occur in ores, oil and natural gas wells. Archeology department discover many submerged … Read more