Virgo Yearly

Virgo moon sign yearlyUttara Phalguni 2,3,4 quarters, Hastha, Chitra 1,2 quarters

Virgo DailyVirgo WeeklyVirgo MonthlyVirgo Yearly


Income : Expenditure :: 14 : 2 (ratio)
Compliment : Insult :: 6 : 6 (ratio)

An overview of year 2025

Jupiter in 9th house till mid May and then in 10th and 11th houses, Rahu in 7th house and Ketu in 1st house till end of May, later Rahu in 6th house and Ketu in 12th house, Saturn in 6th house till end of March and then in 7th house, together determine the major transit results this year.

In 2025 chart, Mercury the ruling planet of your sign is located in the 3rd house, the house of dare, siblings, short travel in your life. Jupiter the lord of your 4th house and 7th house moves to 10th house of your chart which poses some challenges from May 2025. Saturn will still transit through your 6th house, and this revives lost oppurtunities. Sun the lord of your 12th house will be placed along with Moon and aspect your 10th house signifying financial crisis and new challenges. Your experience can help you sail through tough moments. Relationship with mother and other women deteriorates.

2025 with respect to different aspects in your life

You will become prominent person. You will have upper hand in politics, education, profession, job, social activities or fine arts. With your strong determination and tactics you will exercise domination on others. You lead comfortable life by mesmerizing every one. Comforts through vehicles, relations with like minded people, suitable marriage proposals are possible. Cooperation of women give you benefits. You will follow the advise of life partner, and gain of valuables, joy in family life indicated. Visiting religious places, performing rituals are also possible.

Status and reputation will be heightened in society. Change of place, changes at residence, luck and fortune in every thing make you delighted. Desire to have association with you will increase among others and also they put efforts to reach you out.

Increased income, auspicious functions at home, success in legal affairs can be predicted. You need to have anger management, to avoid any possible delays in works. Your anger is your enemy. Inauspicious news indicated from maternal, paternal or in-laws. Utmost care must be taken in every thing. Unexpected problems need to be faced. Your will power and courage are your strengths.

Favorable time can be predicted for the employees. Past problems will come to an end. Joy and enthusiasm can be expected. With the cooperation of higher authorities, transfers to desired place along with promotion can be expected. Increments, promotions, and due recognition to the performance in work are expected for those working in government sector. Private employees get the support of authorities and will be placed rightly. Construction of house, settlement in life are possible. Smooth life indicated for the people working in government and private sectors. Those waiting to become permanent can expect good news this year.

Politicians can expect favorable period. Name and fame indicated in public and party high command. An honorable post in party can be expected. Success indicated in elections but huge expenditures are also indicated.

Artists can not expect any recognition in public. Success, awards or rewards will not be there in professional life. Lack of new opportunities, legal problems, and loss of efforts are possible. Your benefits will be enjoyed by others. Inconvenience and problems are indicated for those in the fields of cinema or T.V. New opportunities may not be there for directors, writers, singers and technicians. Lack of self confidence, getting involved in unnecessary litigation also possible. Care must be taken while using social media.

Favorable for businessmen and expected profits will be there. Satisfactory results indicated for wholesale and retail business people. Commencement of new business is also indicated. Misunderstandings in partnership business leads to separations. Growth and success can be seen for those in finance business, and manufacturing industry. Profits indicated for those in business of building construction. Huge contracts can be expected. Desires will be fulfilled. Gains are possible in business of storage of goods.

Students will be focused towards their goals and study with concentration. Increased memory, group studies, and success in all types of examinations indicated. With good ranks in competitive examinations, admission is possible in desired course at reputed institutes. But care must be taken to avoid unnecessary deviations from studies. Few may have failures. Favorable for those in sports. Few wins and medals, and also placement in national and international teams can be predicted.

Farmers will be benefited through two crops. Debts will be cleared because of high yield. Financial problems will come to an end. Government aid is also indicated. Favorable time to lease farmers also. Auspicious functions will be performed at home. Excellent results are possible for those in fisheries or poultry. You will progress positively, take decisions with courage and confidence.

For Women: A very favorable period. You will have upper hand in all the works and affairs. Your words will be orders. Respect and honor are indicated from every one. Fixed assets will be registered in your name. Health will not be good. Diseases, timidness, fickle mind, fear of weapons, and anxiety for even small issues are possible. Employed may get promotions with transfers to desired place, cooperation of authorities and staying near family can be predicted. Unmarried get married at the beginning of this year, also they enjoy happy family life. Pregnant Women will be blessed with a baby boy before July, otherwise after July baby girl. Cordial relations will not be there with spouse. Unnecessary blames and quarrels are possible.

For Women: Not a favorable period. Cordial relations will not be there in family. Frequent quarrels, rigidity of opinions, troubles in family and loss of valuables indicated. Lack of respect for your opinions, and strong opposition and enmity indicated in family. Inconvenience with authorities in job, long distance transfers, and staying away from family indicated. Health will not be good. Stomach related diseases and surgery indicated. Pregnant Women will be blessed with a baby boy during first half of the year, a baby girl during second half through cesarean. Unmarried can expect marriage this year.

Remedies : Visit a religious place every Thursday and Friday. Gift sweets to children and elder women.

Your new year resolution for year 2025 : Quit being a perfectionist and adapt according to situations.

Daily Moon Sign Predictions in Vedic Astrology are done based on position, sign lord, star lord, aspects and conjunctions of Moon at Sun Rise of each day. Similarly, Weekly Moon Sign Predictions are based on Moon at Sunday Sun Rise Time, Monthly Moon Sign Predictions based on Moon at 1st date of each month along with transit of Sun, Venus, Mercury and Yearly Moon Sign Predictions based on Moon's position on 1st January of each year along with major planets like Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu.