Animals have 7 seven chakras but its difficult for humans to make animals activate them.
Because communication is the problem, consult a reiki master who can do distance healing or even healing by touch.
1) The Base Chakra: (red spot on the diagram) This first chakra is located at the base of the animal spine (near the tail). It is also associated with the anus. The Base chakra is in keeping with the adrenal glands and is associated with issues of survival.
2) The Sacral Chakra: (orange spot on the diagram). This second chakra is located in the lower abdominal area. The Sacral chakra pertains to organs related to animal sexuality as well as related reproductive problems.
3) The Mid-Abdominal Chakra: (yellow spot on the diagram). This third chakra is located in the middle abdominal region. This chakra is associated with the organs related to digestion. This is the chakra from which the animal’s power and mastery of self originates.
4) The Heart Chakra: (green spot on the diagram). This fourth chakra is located in the center of the chest. It’s association lies with that of the heart, lungs and breathing, and the thymus gland. This is the chakra of love and compassion.
5) The Throat Chakra: (sky blue spot on the diagram). This fifth chakra is located in the throat and is related to vocal efforts, hearing, and the thyroid gland. This is the chakra of animal creativity and communication.
6) The Eye Chakra: (dark blue spot on the diagram) This sixth chakra is located between the eyes. It is the center of energy esoterically known as the third eye. This is the chakra of animal thinking and emotions.
7) The Crown Chakra: (purple spot on the diagram). This seventh chakra is located on the top of the head and is associated with the crown center. It controls every aspect of the animal body and mind.
Although this chakra diagram is of a dog, please note that these chakras for pet animals is universal to all animals